Stage en Multimédia Infographie et Dessi… (Casablanca)

C 3 mois EMP
Flowstudio Sarl

Flowstudio Sarl

We support compan ies in all aspects of your visual identity.From logo creation to website, add an explanatory video, and you’ll …

Profil recherché :

2 stagiaires
3 mois
Avec Convention
Premier Emploi
Multimédia Infographie et Dessin Technique

Descriptif de la mission :

Flow Studio is a startup based in Casablanca, a specialist in Motion design, Graphic design, and Web design

We are looking for 2 interns (3 months paid internship)

 A motion designer with a good knowledge of After Effects, (Beginner or Intermediate) 

You're welcome to join us, please send your Cv and Portfolio


Offre expirée!

Pour information, cette offre a expiré il y a 1 année !